Space and time for contemporary productions
19.00 Uhr

hold on to your clumsiness
Linda Jiayun Gao-Lenders (JLU Gießen)
Sediments Festival

„The first generation thinks about survival; the ones that follow tell the stories.”
(Stay True, Hua Hsu)

The story of a father and his upbringing in post-Mao China is linked to the artist’s own childhood memories and historical events, told through old videos and photos. hold on to your clumsiness is a lecture performance which uses private archive material to explore the lines between personal and collective memories, evolving around questions of diasporic identities and intergenerational trauma, memory (loss) and the reliability of narration. How to tell a memory of a memory of a memory? Where does it end, and where does fiction begin?

hold on to your clumsiness appears as a very poignant proposition that circulates around topics of identity, provenance and exposure to racist micro-aggressions in Germany. The work has a clear dramaturgical vision, framed by its neuro-scientific approach alongside the geopolitical auto-positioning that is far-reaching and yet remains precise and concrete.”
(Curation Team)

Concept & Performance: Linda Jiayun Gao-Lenders
Outside Eye: Vicente Antunes Ramos
Special Thanks: Letian Gao-Lenders, Xavier Le Roy and the lecture performance course,
Rabih Mroué