Space and time for contemporary productions
20.00 Uhr, im Anschluss Publikumsgespräch

I Need a New Body
Viktorija Ilioska

In a world where we enjoy a fake image of endless resources, where we sucked the earth to draw out the last bits, how do we continue to pump? The operation of pumping, that is, moving matters from one location to another, seems to be at the core of the most vital processes of both production and reproduction. We draw, suck, elicit and drain the earth's body to enrich our lives on it, emptying our future(s). At the same time, we suck, boost, inject and inflate our bodies, transgressing their capacities. Pumping can paradoxically be at the same time capitalist practice of exhaustion as well as the feminist practice of enrichment and enhancement. Once on one side is being pumped, the other one is being sucked. Perhaps, eventually, this piece will be busy with wasting, emptying and exhausting. One thing is certain, I Need a New Body will take place in-between: between a body as an exhibition and a body as a resource, while looking at the place where these two intersect.

Concept and choreography: Viktorija Ilioska in conversation with Nastya Dzyuban, Laura Stellacci
Performance: Viktorija Ilioska and Nastya Dzyuban
Voices: Amélie Haller and Maren Küpper
Sound design: Laura Stellacci

Viktorija Ilioska is a Macedonian choreographer and performer who lives and works between North Macedonia and Germany. For over a decade now, she has been actively working at programs for the support and development of contemporary dance, both collaborating with institutions as well as strengthening the independent scene. Since 2010, she has been a member of Nomad Dance Academy, through which she works on bringing connections and collaborations within the local and national contexts of the Balkan region. Viktorija holds a master’s degree in Choreography and Performance from the Institute of Applied Theatre Studies at Justus Liebig University. Playing with different forms of provocation, her work often addresses the notions of labor, identity and female representation in the public sphere.

Coproduction between Lokomotiva-Center for New Initiative in Arts and Culture/Choreographed bodies
program, Life Long Burning (LLB)/ Performance Situation Room program, NDA Slovenia and Viktorija Ilioska
Supported by: Ministry of Culture of North Macedonia, Creative Europe (in the frame of Life Long Burning),
A Frankfurt LAB promotion program for graduates of the Hessische Theaterakademie, made possible by the Hessische Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst.

Special thanks to Rok Vevar, Dushica Nofitoska, Biljana Tanurovska Kjulavkovski, Kristina Lelovac, Emilija Cockova, Max Smirzitz, Philipp Schulte, Frankfurt LAB

© Sonja Stavrova

For reservations click here
Pay what you can: 5 - 15 €

Duration: ca. 60 Min.
Language: English