Space and time for contemporary productions
18:00 Premiere

Malin Lamparter
Pride and Prejudice or how Bärchen saved all the animals from the Tidal Wave

A sisterly development after Jane Austen

The directing student Malin Lamparter and her four sisters take to the stage to jointly measure the story of the classic "Pride and Prejudice" against their own sisterhood. A play about female community, the own world that is created in every family and which sister is the slowest mousse au chocolat eater.

The 5 young women, aged 13 to 28, look at Austen's famous story of the Bennetts with their own questions, traditions and ideas about womanhood and family.

Direction: Malin Lamparter
Staging: Hannah Borghese
Dramaturgy: Kundry Reiff
Performers: Eva-Lotta Röhm, Hannah Vogelsänger, Rebecca Lamparter, Lea Lamparter, Malin Lamparter

A project by the Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts (HfMDK) ​directing program.

Premiere: 10. September, 18 Uhr
Second performance: 12. September, 18 Uhr

© Malin Lamparter

Length approximately 90 minutes