Space and time for contemporary productions

Sticky Matter

A spaceship drifts between planets and galaxies, between the past, forgotten and lost - in the middle of nowhere. Or is there something? In order to get the ship running again, the crew explores how to deal with the unknown and moves through tough, filigree, trickling matter. It tests narratives of discovery, narratives of progress and descriptions of the unfamiliar. What is the physical state of our identities? The performance "Sticky Matter" welcomes you on board for this mission. Keep calm and stay vigilant.

Duration: 75 min.

Language: German
Trigger: intense sound, but not brutal
Sticky Matter is a performance with a dark, immersive spatial situation. You are part of this situation. The volume will increase at times, but you will not be suddenly surprised or startled by sound or light. At no time will it be completely dark.

Tickets for the 19.10., the 20.10. and the 21.10.

Admission is only possible with proof of negative Corona status (tested, vaccinated or recovered). Results of a test may not be more than 24 hours old at this event.
Your contact details (name, address, telephone number and e-mail address) will be recorded on location before the event in order to follow-up in case of a COVID-19 infection.

No entry without a medical mouth-nose covering! Wearing a mouth-nose covering is mandatory at all times.