Space and time for contemporary productions

Ensemble Modern/
Saed Haddad/
Zad Moultaka/
Nour Sokhon/
Cynthia Zaven/
Susanne Blumenthal

Neue Werke

This Is Not Lebanon
Festival for Visual Arts, Performance, Music and Talks


In this concert the Ensemble Modern presents four varied musical positions from artists active in the art, performance and music scene in Lebanon and the region. While the Lebanese, Parisbased composer and visual artist Zad Moultaka explores the meaning of sound in imperceptible space in his work, the Jordanian-German composer Saed Haddad has dedicated his piece “Mo(u)rning” to the victims of the pandemic. The two Lebanon-based sonic artists and composers Nour Sokhon and Cynthia Zaven provide space for the current situation in Lebanon. Topical issues of consumption, urban life and human co-habitation provide the starting points for Nour Sokhon’s performances and installations. By contrast, in her play, where she also performs as a pianist Cynthia Zaven considers the historical development and the current state of the city of Beirut.

Saed Haddad: Mo(u)rning (for the victims of the pandemic) (2020) (Uraufführung)
Zad Moultaka: Der letzte Klang ist der erste Blick (2021) (Uraufführung)
Nour Sokhon: Voyaging Through Silent Rumbles (2021) (Uraufführung)
Cynthia Zaven: 12 districts (Uraufführung)

Dirigentin: Susanne Blumenthal
Klangkünstlerin: Nour Sokhon
Klangkünstlerin, Klavier: Cynthia Zaven
Mit Mitgliedern des Ensemble Modern

Biografie Ensemble Modern
Das Ensemble Modern, 1980 gegründet und seit 1985 in Frankfurt am Main beheimatet, ist eines der weltweit führenden Ensembles für Neue Musik. Derzeit vereint es 19 Solist:innen aus neun Ländern. Das Ensemble ist bekannt für seine einzigartige Arbeits- und Organisationsweise ohne künstlerischen Leiter und die unverwechselbare programmatische Bandbreite, die Musiktheater, Tanz- und Videoprojekte, Kammermusik, Ensemble- und Orchesterkonzerte umfasst. Regelmäßig tritt es in etwa 100 Konzerten weltweit bei renommierten Festivals und an herausragenden Spielstätten auf und erarbeitet etwa 70 Werke neu, davon 20 Uraufführungen.

© k. A.
© Raisa Galofre / Cynthia Zaven
© Omar Sfeir / Nour Sokhon
© Catherine Peillon / Zad Moultaka

Tickets available via reservix

Please find an english ticketing guideline here (the system is only in german)

Admission is only possible with proof of negative Corona status (tested, vaccinated or recovered). Results of a test may not be more than 24 hours old at this event.
Your contact details (name, address, telephone number and e-mail address) will be recorded on location before the event in order to follow-up in case of a COVID-19 infection.

No entry without a medical mouth-nose covering! Wearing a mouth-nose covering is mandatory at all times, except at your own seat.

Disinfect your hands when entering the building or grounds.
More information on hygiene and safety