Space and time for contemporary productions

Manipulation and other Romantic Stories
Artemis Chrysostomidou

In the performance “Manipulation and other Romantic Stories”, Artemis Chrysostomidou examines pressing topics like social norms and phallocracy, working with humour, accuracy and absurdity. The fact that society covers manipulative actions – which have patriarchal origins – under the guise of “love” or “passion”, is illuminated by means of sardonic language and sarcasm, thus revealing contradictions in patriarchy.

Director, text: Artemis Chrysostomidou
Interdisciplinary dramaturgy: Charikleia Tatsi
Music: Lia Stavropoulou
Performers: Leigh Sayers, Artemis Chrysostomidou

Frankfurt LAB's residency is made possible by the Stiftung Polytechnische Gesellschaft Frankfurt am Main.

Admission free
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