I*ON - eine Mixed Abled Tanzperformance
Reclaiming Dance
Ion means "to go" - to be in constant movement, constantly changing: to be dancing. A slow, sliding, tender and powerful twisting-into-each-other. Pull and push. Individual(s) and group simultaneously. Five different bodies deal with their inter-relationships, and with their own history on stage. Just like ions, which circle each other, come into contact with each other or disintegrate. The performance deals with the transformative power, which comes into being when we meet each other as human beings with individual perspectives on life.
4 pm Doors open
4.30 pm Touch Tour
5 pm Workshop
6.30 pm Performance, followed by an artist talk
With: Lukas Kühn, Sarah Baumann, Fabian-Lilian Korner, Anno Bolender and Keiko Schmitt
Sound: Cat Woywod
Supported by: Aktion Mensch, Kulturamt der Stadt Frankfurt am Main, Amt für multikulturelle Angelegenheiten Frankfurt am Main and Playground e.V.
Admission on a donation basis.
For reservations please click here.
For reservations please click here.
The Frankfurt LAB is wheelchair accessible.
The Performance has an integrated audio description (in German).
The whole event is in German and German sign language.
There will be a space to relax.
We can organize a pick-up service at the tram / bus station.
If you want to use the service or have question about the event, please contact: reclaiming-dance@posteo.de