The Frankfurt Declaration of The Many
We dissociate ourselves from all attempts to limit pluralism and diversity and commit ourselves to solidarity with people who are marginalized. Democracy means constantly renegotiating coexistence. We are many, each one of us.
Numerous Frankfurt art, cultural and scientific institutions have already signed the Frankfurt Declaration of MANY. The Frankfurt declaration of the MANY articulates cohesion in art, culture and science as part of civil society commitment against ethnic-nationalist, fundamentalist, populist and authoritarian world views, against right-wing propaganda, exclusion and devaluation of other people. With this declaration, those active in Frankfurt's art, culture and science landscape are sending a socio-political signal that affects all of our daily practice. The publication of the declaration of the Frankfurt MANY is part of the THE MANY initiative and part of the initiative of other signatories who have joined and are joining the MANY nationwide with their own declarations.
The Frankfurt Declaration of The Many here