F°LAB Festival for Performing Arts
11.-16. October 2024
Welcome! From 11. to 16. October 2024 we would like to invite you to the fourth edition of the F°LAB Festival for Performing Arts, together with our partner institutions – Dresden Frankfurt Dance Company, Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm, Ensemble Modern, Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst and Hessische Theaterakademie. You may expect great co-productions, stagings by the local independent arts scene plus student projects, theatre, performance, dance, concerts and installations.
We are looking forward to many encounters between audiences and artists, and between established and up-and-coming artists. Over the course of six days, there will be 40 events by around 20 participating groups and solo artists, at the Frankfurt LAB, at other venues in the “Kommunikationsfabrik” and in the Gallus, as well as at the future Culture Campus in Bockenheim. Everyone is welcome – we look forward to seeing you.

Infos & Tickets: