Space and Time for the Independent Scene
Open Call
The Frankfurt LAB can offer time slots on short notice in its large venue (Halle 1) to artists from the local independent performing arts scene for final rehearsals and performances.
The following time slots are available:
31.03.- 13.04.2025
The selection of applicants will happen by a jury, which includes the project management of the Frankfurt LAB as well as representatives of its partner institutions and the independent scene. The Frankfurt LAB, which is run by its partner institutions, has a very small staff. The technical set up, rehearsals and shows have to be accompanied by freelance technicians. You may apply for support from the Frankfurt Kulturamt for these costs. For this, the Frankfurt LAB and the selected projects would assess the projects needs and make a budget plan together.
- Funding by the city of Frankfurt (or running grant application)
- No student status (HTA students have other opportunities to use the Frankfurt LAB)
- Supported will be rehearsals with shows – projects that want to rehearse only are not eligible
The Frankfurt LAB offers:
- Rent free use of Halle 1 and available equipment for four rehearsal and three show days – within the respective 7-day time slot
- Publication of project on the Frankfurt LAB website, through social media and on the Theaterallianz poster.
- 80 % of ticket sales and use of the online reservation system
The artists bring:
- Full financing of the project, incl. appropriate fees (min. minimum wage according to Fonds Darstellende Künste), KSK fees and rights. If funding applications are still pending, the time slot is granted under the condition that the required funding can be procured.
- rental equipment, if necessary
The following can be applied for at the Kulturamt Frankfurt:
- Fees for freelance technicians for set-up, rehearsals, show running and strike
- To find out what the technical needs are, a meeting with the technical director of Frankfurt LAB will take place after being accepted
The application has to include:
- Confirmation of funding by the city of Frankfurt (or grant application)
- Project description, which includes the artistic concept and the artistic biographies and city of residence of the involved artists. Optional: video links
- Budget
- Statement which time slot or which time slots you want to apply for
- Confirmation statement, that the applicants are not sutdents in one of the HTA affiliated study programmes
- Information on special technical needs. A technical rider, if available
The venues of Frankfurt LAB are barrier free. There is a front of house wheelchair-accessible toilet, and a shower and toilet in the backstage area of Halle 2. The Frankfurt LAB offers translation of PR texts into easy-to-read language.
With kind support by Stiftung Polytechnische Gesellschaft Frankfurt am Main and Kulturamt Frankfurt.

How to apply:
- Send an application via e-mail to Deadline: 15. February 2025
- The selection will be made by representatives of the Frankfurt LAB, its partner institutions and the independed scene
- The selection will happen promptly