Space and time for contemporary productions
19.00 Uhr
19.00 Uhr

Ceren Yildirim
Implantieren Festival

Amargi - With jineolojî towards a free theatre? is a collective research project that leads to a performance through partly public, partly closed processes of lectures and workshops. Thematically it will be dealt with Jineolojî and guests from the Jineoloji Center Europe will be invited. Jineolojî, is an interdisciplinary science that emerged from the Kurdish women's liberation movement. The name is made up of “jin” for woman (same root as “jiyan” for life) and “lojî”, which means knowledge/awareness. Its goal is to explore the truth about women and society and thereby promote the democratization of society.

After three months of collective research with and about Jineolojî, the science of women and life, at this year's Implant Festival, the project “Amargi” accordingly ends with a performance dedicated to the archaeology of women.
We - a community of women, researchers, activists - dig through 9 layers in 9 thousand years in search of women's liberation and show fragments of our findings.
“Amargi” invites you to discover and reinterpret the hidden patterns in women's history. Based on the collective research and memories of the performers, myths and reality collide. It is a journey to the roots of our history and community, as women, which simultaneously reflects on the present and opens up possible perspectives for the future.

Artistic direction: Ceren Yildirim
Performers: Direm Dölek, Dilara Yildirim, Melisa Tepeli
Set design: Nhu Y Linda Nguyen
Movement consultancy: Raha Dehghani Vinicheh
Light and sound: Dana Maxim
Photography: Ilhem Ben Jaballah

„Amargi" is the final project of Ceren Yildirim's Master's degree in Applied Theater Studies, in cooperation with the Jineoloji Center Europe and in co-production with the Implantieren Festival 2024. The project is funded by: Frauenreferat Frankfurt, Kulturamt Stadt Frankfurt, Hessische Theaterakademie, Institut für Angewandte Theaterwissenschaft.

With special thanks to: Jineoloji Center Europe, Zozan Sîma, Dilar Dirik, Hêlîn Dirik.

Ceren Yildirim has been studying for a Master of Applied Theater Studies in Gießen since 2022 and she will complete her studies with the Amargi project. She works in multimedia in the field of performing arts, mostly in the areas of directing and dramaturgy. Her thematic focuses are histories and cultures of resistance in the Middle East, regimes of truth and documentarity. She has been a scholarship holder of the Hans Böckler Foundation since 2022.

© Ceren Yildirim

Admission free

Language: The performance will be in German with English surtitles.